Saturday, October 3, 2015

Why your blog reject by Google Adsense

Why I rejected the adsense blog? whereas've read various blogs about the list, instructions on how easily and quickly accepted google adsense, and some even claim to be quickly accepted google adsense in 5 minutes !!!
But in fact your blog still can not be approved on the google to show ads that make you drool bloggers in Indonesia and internationally because of the high fee cpc and cpm adsense ads.

Most bloggers beginners too hasty to monetize their blogs, so they tend to instant minded and want to get rich quick from google adsense publisher.

Yet we know that in order to get something wah requires not just a little hard work and smart work but a seriousness and a high work ethic to achieve that dream.

Examples bloggers who want to get rich quick dying of adsense is that they are not willing to invest the time to read and learn with really really what and how a blog can be accepted alias qualify posed google adsense in order to become a publisher of their ads.

Blogger beginners just read an article from one or two blogs that discuss about how quick and easy list of accepted adsense that in fact the discussion is only about how to apply google adsense through a blog with blogspot domain is not an essential requirement to be accepted as a google adsense publisher ..... ,
Not that I am a master blogger, but just share my experience during my new blogging live about two years. and I had not yet BEP from adsense, but I'm waiting for parcel post containing a PIN from google adsense.
Prospective berkeinginana adsense publisher to be accepted or approved by Google some time after they register adsense, if the buddy want mending need not register google adsense deh. publisher list cpc cpm or instant aja tuh which provides a lot of advertising download, gambling or dating.

We spoke to a small part of the largest advertising publisher on the Internet today is Google, inevitably we have to have a blog with enough performance and performance in the eyes of google it turns out that is often overlooked by prospective publisher.

The performance of the blog are eligible for Google AdSense could approve it turns out it is not as difficult as I imagined all this time, but quite lazy to be provided by the instant blogger. Is that ??? On average adsense publishers rejected candidates because of their blogs do not meet the standard criteria of a blog that can be said to have committed.

You know what I mean mate with the basic criteria of a blog that is committed? Have you got a blog Contents / Site Map, Privacy Policy / Disclaimer, About and Contact Us ??? That he standard criteria that must be owned by a blog that want to try a publisher adsense.

So far we have erred in interpreting the terms of a blog that is accepted as a Google AdSense ad serving, not the number of posts that at least 50 articles, not the age of the blog that is at least 6 months, instead of the number of visitors so that a minimum of twenty people per day. This criterion may only additional criteria according to google after seeing the basis of the above criteria.

If my friend is still desperate want to register adsense unconditional basic mending postponed, if daring the longest week buddy must immediately rejected. try buddy observe my blog, so simplify right? even some of his items are still the original default and I have not changed as needed, but Alhamdulillah google still appreciate it, because Google think this blog has a commitment to the visitor.

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