Thursday, October 15, 2015

Grateful and Why It's been hard work, why not Rich?

In many seminars / events motivation, there are things that are often asked as follows:
    I've run a so-called hard work.
    As advised the motivator, I was already sincere and grateful to my work, also on my condition. But why until now it seems not much result, my finances remain begitu2 only (not rich). I have to say this is NOT a complaint, because I am THANKFUL for my life, and I also sincerely.
    In such circumstances I am grateful, sincere and hard work, but really still not rich?
Here is Answers2 of various motivators (one of which Mario), which we think is sufficient to answer the questions.

This Answers2 please read pelan2, because every answer has a very deep meaning, so that needs to be digested pelan2, thank you.


"If you've worked hard, but still feel not produce, you try to ask yourself whether you are doing the hard work that is in conformity with the plan that you earn?"


Let introspection, the actual hard work we have classified the how?

In our hectic work environment it is hard work, but it could be that the actual hard work that we are doing it, including one below.

hard work "talking people",

hard work "unsystematic"

hard work "are thinking about their own interests",

hard work "looking kegiatan2 redundant",

hard work "to find fault with people"

hard work "to be considered others we have worked hard" ... etc.

It could be actually without us knowing it, we too were among the hard workers who on top of that.

So try the evaluation of ourselves, did we have to work hard?


Jangan2 hard work you do is:

"HARD WORK for Not Doing Anything" ...

which automatically becomes "SUCCESSFUL do nothing"

The definition of "doing nothing" is not trying to develop themselves against was doing, so that added value to ourselves relatively nothing.

The added value that could be better habits, syukur2 target2 become better, and so on.

Even more dangerous is the can so you do not actually apa2 but already feel the hard work.

It is better to use self-therapy by facing a mirror, as suggested by Mr. Mario, ask yourself in the mirror: "Actually, what the hell have you done?"

If there are people who are physically (plus the conscious mind) work very hard, but financially not get a lot, then it shows that his MINDSET did not want to be rich.

For details, there are three conditions below which makes it not rich.

Situation A:

    Indeed mindset is so (not rich), and does not want to change (develop) mindset.

    Which is dominant in one's mindset is "FEELING" of his (her HEART).

    So even though his mind wanted to be rich, but if his heart does not want to be rich, but ONLY want to be happy and healthy emotional and physical. Then the hard work that it does tend to produce life is not rich, but happy and healthy emotional and physical, and the problem is not fixed must be grateful to live that way.
Condition B:

    Ideals actually want to be rich "only" not want to be useful for many people. So just want to be rich for himself.
    Ideals like this is very difficult to materialize, while it has been working hard. Because "PROPERTY (TREASURE) was only A TOOL" to achieve NOBLE GOAL is "USEFUL for others (people)".

    Had cita2 you like this, that want to be rich "only". Cita2 TSB then immediately changed, becoming "WANT TO BENEFICIAL FOR MANY PEOPLE".


    And thereafter each time you work hard, the orientation and the goal is always to strive toward that which you are doing is beneficial (help) others (the crowd). Then you will automatically be given a "tool" by the Most Giving Wealth (Al-Mughnii), such that you can achieve its objectives. The tool generally is "TREASURE which EXCESS". Because practically with treasures that excess, the more that can be done to help a lot of people (useful for many people).
Condition C:

    Ideals want to be rich, but in daily practice is not in accordance with the wishes.

    Suppose less generous (aka cheap). This is tantamount to "mind" to be rich, but "MINDSET her" want poor.
    Familiarize yourself not generous (stingy), will establish a feeling that "OUR LITTLE TREASURE", it means that we "NO EXCESS TREASURE". This automatically will form a "MINDSET no excess property (Mindset not rich)". Which is certainly not rich mindset is what will bring yourself to become rich, even poor. Despite this hard work, but all the hard work will be directed by our mindset to not generate excess wealth reply.
    Allowing myself to generous (like giving sincere DNG), will encourage us to feel that we are "as if excess" property. And this will form the "MINDSET excess assets (Mindset Rich)". Which of course is rich mindset is what will bring yourself to be rich. So conscious or not, automatically your hard work will be "led" by your mindset such that you become surplus wealth (rich).
Hope it is useful.

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