Thursday, October 1, 2015

Change Your blogspot to wordpress

Change Domain , Domain , Free Domain , Local Domain , Web hosting , Webtools

When moving my previous blog from Blogger to WordPress, I must re-setting in the domain nameservers. To move a file post no difficulty because the WordPress CMS already provides a plugin to import files from blogspot. Very easy, just install the plugin, and then proceed with verification account where we are required to enter google account username and password. The process did not last long, only a few seconds. In contrast to the transfer of the reverse from wordpress to blogger that requires us to use third-party applications.

Because the existing nameserver redirect to my new server in dracoola host, certainly not immediately be directed quickly. There is the so-called domain propagation time. Propagation period is the time lag required for the domain name in order to terahkan to the server or hosting. Usually the length of the propagation of these domains ranging from 5 minutes up to 72 hours. Many factors that
cause fast or slow propagation time include:

a. Age domain

Newly purchased domains may be quicker directed. Because it is directed directly to the hosting we buy along with buying a domain name. As for the domain that has been long, it takes time to refresh the domain so that the re-pointing the propagation time was a bit long.

b. Response ISP

This is what I feel the difference between one ISP to another ISP very tasteless. At home, I use the connection of Smartfren to surf in cyberspace. While in the office using the services of RT / RW local NET. In Mobile else, there telkomsel accompanying. Of the three ISP turns out, is the fastest propagation response given by Telkomsel.

Half an hour after my domain name point to the new nameserver, mobile browser I can open my new blog. The next day I can open my blog in the office. Another at home. Until the second night, or about 48 hours of the change nameservers, my blog never be opened. Finally, I also contacted CS dracoolahost very responsive especially mas NinjaPetelur are not tired of answering my questions

Towards the third day or almost to 72 hours, finally I could open my new blog on the laptop and then import all of the Blogspot posts here.

Anyway, if there are still error also exists the possibility of our computer IP ter-block by the hosting provider. As I experienced some time after the first opportunity opened at the laptop at home. Again - again toughness CS dracoolahost tested when I asked about this. Gladly they guided me to be able to solve the problem Blocked IP even when I do not know the IP address of my laptop's great 😀.

Easy - I hope this experience can help a friend - a friend who found a similar problem when experiencing instability mutually exchange hosting like me

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