Wednesday, March 11, 2015

benefit listening to the song

Muslim Bayudi - The music that we hear every day always have a special power to move our emotions. Music can make us be cheerful, sad, and even can make someone moved and menetekan tears. How powerful the influence of a few verses of poetry that played with the strains of simple chords of a song.

Did you know that scientific studies have found that music really can change our mood and can even help us to concentrate. Experts have seen the effect that music has the power that might help you to follow a race, preparing for exams, or relieve stress.
About music

Research shows that listening to a song can give a noticeable effect on various parts of the brain that is responsible for some aspects, such as memory and visual. According to a psychologist from London, Dr Victoria, listening to music can affect a very broad reaction in the body and mind, and some parts of the brain can be activated by a musical.

A recent study in Canada showed that there is a real causal relationship between music and reward system, which is the core part of the brain that respond to positive stimuli for us - such as eating, drinking, etc. and reinforce this behavior so that we do it again.
So what benefits can we get through listening to music?
Improve mood or mood

Some people listen to music to help give a boost to the current passing through a tough day, while others may listen to music to stay awake during driving a car.

Everyone reacts to music in a different way. One person may like metal or dangdut music, while others will feel happy when listening to Mozart.

Whatever your choice of music, a study in 2011 in Canada, published in Nature Neuroscience, have shown that plays your favorite music can help defuse a bad mood.

Researchers at McGill University in Montreal showed that listening to pleasant music happy hormones that trigger the release of dopamine.

The brain is very complex - and there are a lot of elements that could help create a feeling happy or unhappy - and not surprisingly, the research showed the release of dopamine, which is associated with feelings of pleasure as listening to music.
Helping more Focus

Music may even be able to help you concentrate.

A 'digital tonic' new called Ubrain, which can be downloaded to a smartphone, is claimed to help people to be able to focus, energy, rose, and relax.

This process uses two different beats in each ear, which aims to create a binaural beat, which can stimulate certain activities in the brain.

By helping the brain to produce a specific wavelength, then we can induce different parts of alertness, depending on the purpose of what we will do. - Clearly a clinical psychologist based in Paris Brigitte Forgeot.

If we feel anxious or stressed, we can encourage the brain's cerebral cortex produce a slow alpha frequency bands. While at the other end of the scale, if we help the cortex to produce fast beta waves, we will be ready to concentrate and focus our attention on the task long enough.
The ability to walk longer

The best song choice for sports is a song that has a beat that match the tempo of the steps we walked, because it can produce a metronomic effects on the body, which allows us to run longer. And listen to certain music can actually help us to run faster.

A study at Brunel University in West London have shown that music can help to increase endurance as much as 15 percent, helping to lower the perception of effort during exercise, as well as improving the energy efficiency of up to one or three percent.
Better mental health

Music can be an effective treatment and a positive for people who are dealing with mental health conditions.

There are two different ways that music therapy can be used: Both as a means of communication and self-expression, and for restorative or healing.

Someone is possible to use music to express the things that they can not express in words. It also can act as a stimulus to evoke old memories that have been buried or to evoke an emotional response which would probably take weeks to be delivered.
Removing stress

Nearly a third of people who listen to music aims to give a boost mood associated with the job. And nearly one in four people say, that by listening to music while traveling to work has helped them relieve stress. Music can be a great encouragement when we feel stress.

Rotate one of your favorite songs, because it can be very soothing and help reduce anxiety.
Positive impact on patient

Music is really a significant positive impact on patients with chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer and respiratory.

Many experiments have shown that music can help lower heart rate, blood pressure and helps relieve pain, anxiety and improve the quality of life of patients.

Music can be very useful for someone who is in a state, where they have lost control over their outside environment - for example, those who should be in the hospital for long periods of time because of a serious illness and less able to move. It can provide a sense of control back, and create a personal atmosphere calm, and blocking some disruption around the patient.
What kind of music?

Although there are certain trends that fast music to exercise, and slow music to relax - choose songs with the desired effect often associated with personal preference.

Effect of different types of music on mood will depend on individual preferences and habits. If you grew up with rock music, then you may not be able to listen to classical music. And for those who can not stand listening to rock music, other kinds of music that might be able to raise them.

Whatever type of music you are, if you like it, then that could be beneficial to mental health and your mind.

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