Sunday, March 1, 2015

6 Steps Mandatory Form Super Band

Band is a group of people who play musical instruments together to produce music that can entertain music lovers. As entertainers, a band must be able to present a unique music to be successful throughout her career.

Forming a band is not a difficult thing to do, anyone can form a band. But if in a hurry to form a band can achieve the fundamental objectives of its formation?

It should be noted the main purpose of forming a band, it does not matter if it formed the band just for fun undergo a hobby, which becomes a problem is if you want a serious form a band. Crudely formed the band will lead to lack of solid-an impact that has short age of the band. Instead of forward, but only a waste of time.
what are the basics of what to do if a group of people want to establish a good band, a band that is lasting? Follow the steps are as follows:

With whom we play music?

Good band is a solid band that can produce a harmonious blend of instruments to produce music game that can be enjoyed by the listener. To pursue harmonization of each individual's musical, requires short time.

How can a band achieve this goal if it is not anything of the personnel has been in and out of a variety of reasons, such as incompatibility issues between personnel personality example.

Be careful in choosing with whom we will form a band if serious about building a great band. Recognize our main opponent from start to personality, musical taste and identify habits outside the music though.

As we get to know each personnel would form a comfortable atmosphere that will help shape the game music harmony among personnel. In addition, with musical partner know each personnel can hit each ego so as to avoid divisions. So do not get the band together nemesis yes.

Having Exercise Equipment Schedule

Still related to the purpose of forming a harmony of music, having trained with the regular schedule is mandatory menu every band to smooth blend of cooperation between personnel play a musical instrument. In addition, this exercise can be used as a session between personnel familiar with the character of the game and can also be a great time for all personnel to practice the skills of individuals who should have been previously trained in their homes. This step should be done with the aim of preparing to perform on stage.

Expand Appearing on stage
After routine practice together, time to find a gig event to test the results of an exercise routine that has been done. Gig become an important point for all musicians, because at this time the musicians prove the existence of himself as a music entertainer.

Obligatory for a band to be able to master the stage where they appear, if not able to master the stage can be an early indication of a band will fail, because as an entertainer they may not be able to entertain the audience if it does not consider the stage as their own home.

Perform on stage is not as easy as it looks. For starters, perfect practice in the studio does not guarantee the same kesempurnaaan while on stage. This is due to the many factors that influence the music game that can not be met simply by practicing in the studio. These factors include mental factors, technical factors and non-technical.

By extending the gig schedule, no matter big or small events will help add to the experience of a musician in solving its problems on stage and also to finalize the person's identity as a musician.

Create Songs Good, unique and catchy

If a serious band wants to undergo a career in the music industry, creating your own songs is the next step after the stage has been overwhelmed. The question is, what kind of songs that bring a band to success?

The above question is actually difficult question to answer, the article there is no clear measure of the song is good or bad because it is very relative. However, do well because it is relatively ago too make the market as a benchmark in determining the concept of a good song.

The emphasis is on honesty in fact each band in music, Hopes honesty can give birth is unique for each band, the uniqueness, which may lead the music industry to switch to a new model of the type of song that was initiated by a band. The point is be yourself and be honest.

This honesty can be felt by issuing an inquiry to myself each personnel, "what is the preferred type of song?" It can be identified from their respective musical influences personnel. After knowing exactly what kind of music you like, make the kind of music as a reference and start making the song her own songs boxed into a newer song and original. Avoid creating the kind of songs that are not disuakai, because the best songs created is the kind of song that we are interested.

Give your own creation song

Whatever the product must have to be marketed, applies also to the musicians who created her own. The practice of marketing in today's music is not difficult, especially through internet marketing, social media which is still a great place to disseminate the work.

In addition to internet marketing participated in various music festivals to introduce the song itself is also highly recommended. Next submitted demos to various parties such as the radio is a positive step for the survival of the band's impact.

Last submitted demos to music labels, but not too much hope on this one method because the competition is so tight sometimes demos of songs that we send are not heard by the label had. If this fails, do not be discouraged, because the real purpose of a band is looking for popularity as high as possible, so rest assured when a band has the popularity will be a magnet for firms music label.


Whatever line of business, consistency is the key if you want to achieve success. Also applies to musicians and bands, perhaps failure is often felt when building a band, with consistently said it is expected a band do not give up so easily when hit by failure, stay focused and disciplined through the steps necessary to achieve the success of the band. A band needs to identify the causes of failure and quickly fix it consistently.

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