Thursday, January 29, 2015

How to Hold and Exercise Technique Using Guitar Pick

Muslim Bayudi - Once you know the position of the Right fingers fingers on guitar and Practical Ways to tune guitar with "Guitar Tuner Clip", and you are ready to start your profession as a musician, eeh sorry, as a guitarist, not less important for beginners is how to hold and techniques exercise using a guitar pick.

I think those of you who are learning the guitar or even that can not be entirely sure've got a pick, if not have, to buy or borrow noh ... !, the same friends. Or perhaps you do not know what it is Pick? I consider all already know ya, it loh picker tool string guitar made of fiber or the like, even some made of ivory. Sometimes my friends have called "clubber" if not wrong.

If you do not want to buy you try to make himself wrote of plastic volumes (volumes cover), right there made of plastic and somewhat thick tuuh, Naah ... scissors me, just do not map Babeh shredded sake of a guitar pick, Huahaha ... just kidding laah.

We recommend purchasing aja, cheap koq, at most, the price cuman goceng aka 5 thousand silver, sisihin pocket money, buy some seeds, do not be stingy dong !, something that should exist sacrifice, cicil wrote purchasing, one month may also. That is if you have some fruit pick, you can experiment with different shapes and brands, I suggest choose medium size to start, which is not too thin but not too hard / thick, so later you can know what kind of pick the matching with tastefully and comfortably in your hand.

The following description will explain the technique of holding and using a guitar pick is good and right.

     Open palm of your hand that holds the pick (Picking Hand), and rotate so that it is your face.
     Close your hand as if he were making a loose fist. Your thumb should remain on the side of your index finger.
     Play back your palms until the back thumb (thumb nail) facing towards your face.

     With your other hand, tuck your guitar pick between the thumb and index finger on your hand picking. The position of the pick should be roughly located at the back of the thumb.

     Make sure the pointed end facing the strings of a guitar pick (soundhole), protruding from the grip of your hand about half an inch (1.5 cm), hold the pick with a relaxed but mantab.

     Position the hand picking on acoustic guitar soundhole you, or on your electric guitar. Position your picking hand should float but close to the strings.

     Do not attach or rest your picking hand on the strings or guitar body.

     Picking technique (Stroke) right on the guitar is by swinging / move your wrist, not the whole of your arm.

Now let us practice, Pluck the strings skillfully low E string (string 6) on your guitar with a downward motion (Down Stroke) course by using a pick. If the strings vibrate excessively, try reducing your power strum a little more gentle and relaxed, until the passage to pick your voice feels good and clear.

     Then, picking the E string (string 6) was the movement upward (Up Stroke).

     Repeat this exercise repeatedly strokes to smooth movement of picking your picking hand, faster and faster, this exercise is also called the "Alternate Picking".

     Do the same exercise on the fifth string (A), fourth (D), third (G), second (B), and the first string (E).


     For those of you who are not accustomed to using a pick in the beginning would have been awkward. But it is a matter of course, continue, will also be familiar, can be as plain or as forced, forced so could mean aah ...., Dizzy right?

     If you've started to master the technique of holding this pick, sound excerpts Up Down Stroke and Stroke generated should be almost similar.

Congratulations practice, this post may be useful.

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