Monday, January 19, 2015

6 Steps to Make Song Lyrics

Actually, the lyrics is the most powerful weapon which is owned maker of the song. Try to ask your friend, what he liked about his favorite song?

The answer is there are 2 possibilities: good vocals or lyrics palace.

Lyrics is the way you deliver your message in the song, through a series of stories. This story is sought by the listener in your song - they want to feel emotions.

Although sometimes can be very difficult, making it easy lyrics. Its not easy is to create lyrics that fit in the hearts of your listeners.

Therefore, I give powerful moves that I often use in the song itself. This is a step that has produced songs that won the award, contest finalists, and ogled by a major label artist.

This set of moves you can make your own book of Kick Way. When you're stuck, out of ideas, please use the method step-by-step below so you never run out of mind again!
1. Choose a theme song

The first step is always started from the theme, or idea or concept. The more mature you potion concept in the beginning, the more you become a lifeless track at the end.

Here I suggest: try to think out of the box. There are still many other themes in addition to the theme of love. Even if you are going to make the theme of love, try to find a different point of generally.
2. Make a story

If you skip this step, you can hear the song monotonous or boring or just plain ordinary. As a result, there may be heard and liked, but not to buy or become a fan of yours.

Creating a story is like building a house foundation and pillars. This framework will support your main theme. The song that no frame story, will have a strong identity.
3. Create unique title

Of the frame story, you can specify a title. Do you take for granted the title of the song, as the title plays a very important.

The title track is the first moment where you can show that your work is different from the others. When the maker of another song using the title of "the market", you come up with a distinctive title that immediately attract the attention of potential listeners.
4. Write your lyrics (select vocabulary)

You've got a theme. You're up frame story. You also already have a distinctive title.

Now it's time to write your song lyrics. This is where your creativity into play. This is where you show how you are different from the decision-maker another song.

There are various techniques that can be done to make the lyrics. One of my favorite techniques is to use mind maps or mind map. Mind map is very effective, because it trains your brain to think widely when searching for the right words.
5. Use the visual lyric, narrative, and descriptive

Here is the difference maker you with another song. Lots of Indonesian song-makers who do not use visual lyrics in their songs. As a result, their song was none the less, tasteless, or lifeless.

Lyrics visual (or narrative / descriptive) is the lyrics that make the listener can imagine a song you like the movie: complete with action scenes, love, and suspenseful drama.

If you can master the little visual lyrics, it will make you much much more adept at making songs than most people out there who are lazy but hopes to buy the song or major label artist.

Therefore, use of visual lyrics! It is a powerful weapon used by international caliber artists such as Taylor Swift (which generates more than US $ 50 million for 2012!), But rarely used domestically song maker.

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